Reiners Club
The Reining Horse Foundation is proud to offer the Reiners Club, a giving society with multiple tiers for donors to get involved and give back through annual support. Beginning with the Friend category at $100-999 per year, there is a way for you to take part.Your contributions make possible youth scholarships, Crisis Fund grants to reiners in need and perpetuation of the sport’s history through the NRHA Hall of Fame.
Check out these giving levels and become a part of the Reiners Club today!
Champion $3,000 and above*
Partner $2,000-$2,999
Contributor $1,000-$1,999
Friend $100-999
Reiners Club Friend
$100-999- Thank you/tax recognition letter
- Inclusion on annual list on RHSF website
- Inclusion on annual list published in NRHA Reiner
Reiners Club Contributor
$1,000-$1,999All of the above plus:
- Entrance credentials (badges) for two to the NRHA Futurity (retail for $50 each)
- Thanksgiving Buffet tickets at the NRHA Futurity for 2 people with advance reservations (Value ~$60)
- Listed in Reiners’ Club advertisement(s)
Reiners Club Partner
$2,000-$2,999All of the above plus:
- Thanksgiving Buffet tickets at the NRHA Futurity for 4 people with advance reservations (Value ~$120)
Reiners Club Champion
$3,000 and Up*All of the above plus:
- Thanksgiving Buffet tickets at the NRHA Futurity for up to 6 people with advance reservations (Value ~$180)
- Exclusive Access Invitation (such as a wine reception at the NRHA Hall of Fame or private dinner with NRHA and RHF Presidents; event may change year-to-year)
*Multiyear Commitment: Become a Champion at the discounted rate of $7,200 with a three-year, up-front pledge (20% discount off annual rate)
Benefits subject to change
Thank you to our 2023 donors!
Reiners Club Champions - $3,000 and up/year
Tim Anderson & Kim NivenThe Mary Frances Atkinson Charitable Lead Trust
Battison Foundation
Bluebonnet Feeds
Jennifer Booth
Booth Ranches
Gary & Marian Carpenter
Rick Clark
DAG Ventures LLC
Diana Duffey and Vince Lahey/Mid-Shore Community Foundation Inc.
Elite Equine
Mike & Bryan Hancock
High Roller Reining Classic
Lucinda Human
Key of D Productions
Mike & Beth McFarlin
Kathryn Stalcup Meyers Family Foundation
National Reining Breeders Classic
Pro Management Inc.
Reining by the Bay/Cactus Classic
Chip & Terry Roberts
David & Terri Stroud
Tammy Tappan
Teton Ridge
Toyon Ranch
Linde von Koeding
Reiners Club Partners - $2,000-$2,999/year
Arizona Reining Horse AssociationCharities Aid Foundation
David Davidson
Great Western RHA
Jennifer Greenleaf
MS Diamonds TX
100X Reining Classic
Reiners Club Contributors - $1,000-$1,999/year
Loren BoothBuckeye Reiners LLC
Sharon Crissey
Beth Himes
Cindy Jerger
John & Terri Mainey
Kathryn Stalcup Meyers
Craig & Lisa Murray
Blair Roberts
Santa Hill Ranch
Southwest Reining Horse Association
Zimmerman Family Foundation
Reiners Club Friends - $100-$999/year
Sheri AabergKyle Acosta
Monica Albair
Dee Allen
Ronald Anderson
Chuck Arnold & Carla Meyer
Ferrucio Badi
Marshall & Melissa Baird
Leslie Baker
Robert Barnes
Barn-377 LLC
Sue Barton
Big Valley Farms
BMW Quarter Horses
Mona Bodaness
Bernd Boden
Alice Boyd
Mike & Barbi Boyle
Jody Brainard
Leah Lind Branton
Ed Bricker
Nathan Brooks
Veronica Brooks
Wesley Brown
Eric Carlson
Cindy Carlson
Mike Carrier
Breana Carsey
Jacqueline Carson
Choice of Champions International Inc.
Ashley Clark
Gary & Debbie Conway
Amy Corbett
Frank & Susan Costantini
Shane Crockett
Mitzi Crouse
Sarah Scott De Sanz
Casey & Nicole Deary
David & Lisa Dentoni
Mason Duncan
Diamond 4D Performance Horses LLC
DNA Quarter Horses
Jill Dyal
Elle Eckman
Don Faison
Donna Fern
Claire Flaherty
Donald Flohr
Marco Formentin
L. Ginger Frederiksen
Kathryn Gabriel
Melinda Gaw
Grace Wins LLC
Tom Griffin
Hercules Haseotes
Hilldale Farm
Keena Houdeshell
Janyce Hoyt
Mark Hurd
Kelly Jones
Lynette Klug & Family
Heather Laird
Logan Lamb
Bundy & Marinda Lane
Janice Laney
John Langford
Eric Laporte
Walt Larson
George & Chloe Lawrence
Isaac Lippe
Brian Lookabill
Lauren Love
Denise Martin
Alessandro Meconi
Michigan Reining Horse Association
Glenn & Kelly Miller
Christine Mills
MK Livestock Corp.
Stephany Monteleone
Elizabeth Montgomery
Robert Montgomery
Christa Morris-Stone & Brian Stone
Martin Muehlstaetter
Susan Nettles
Scott Neuman
Amy & Phillip Nichols
Leonie O’Connor
Colleen ODell
Harold Palmer
Borys Pardus
Christopher Park
Lynnette Payne
Armando Perez
Bub Poplin
Beth Post
Leigh Pound
Riverwind Performance Horses LLC
Wes Read
Carrol & Jackie Redish
Dean Robinson
Susan Robinson
Matteo Rondanina
MaryBeth Ruckman
Sabrina Salgado
Fernando Salgado
Sandbur Productions LLC
Sam Schaffhauser
Zane & Grace Scofield
Mike Seay
Shenandoah LLC
Peter Shields
Nicole Lachapelle Shonnard
Bryan Smedley
Ashley Smith
Southeastern Reining Horse Association
Dennis & Sheila Sparacino
Stampede Shows
Charles & Katherine Stinner
Jarett & Sharon Stone
Stout Reining Horses LLC
Tamarack Ranch LLC
The Run For A Million
Amber Towers
Fred Tremblay
Francis Tremblay-Desjardins
Maureen Underwood
Mary-Anne Van Degna
Gabrielle Vitalev Kim Wagoner
Jennifer Warren
Lena Wentworth Daggett
Karla Willschau
Nancie Wright
*Subject to change